Sunday, September 25, 2016


She played her first sanctioned Magic event today. She's only ever played at home before, with her family. She's been in a few shops and knows a few local players, but not very well.  She was nervous, but excited. She played 2 Headed-Giant. She went 2-1.

Her story is that of so many players.  Starting at the kitchen table with a brother, a friend, or a classmate. Playing a bit here and there when the opportunity presents itself. Not really knowing the rules, but learning by following what the other players do. Making misplays, having fun, not worrying too much about the outcome. Occasionally going in a shop to hang out with a friend or buy some cards, but never staying long.

Then, one day, it happens: the transition to organized play. Walking into a store and up to the counter to sign up for the first time constitutes a monumental step for some players. I watched her tremble a little as she handed over the credit card, and she looked a little confused when she received her prerelease pack, but overall she handled it well.

Then she walked to the play area where several players sat at a table chatting. She carefully selected a seat at the end of the table, near enough to hear the conversation, but not quite in the middle of the action. A player greeted me and I introduced her to the guys. While she seemed unsure, they all readily said hello and accepted her as a player.

Her partner arrived for the 2HG event and he joined her at the table. She handed him his pack and he pulled out her deckbox. They immediately set to discussing strategy. Then the TO came and officially started the event. Luckily her partner, a seasoned veteran, led her through the deckbuilding process. She managed to make her way through the event with the guidance of her partner and her opponents.

Seeing how well the community received her makes me proud to be a Magic judge. Players didn't question her gender, her age, or her experience, they just played Magic with her. When she didn't want to shake hands or fist bump (she's not a physical person), they didn't question her.  They just accepted her for who she is and how she is and welcomed her into the community.

I'm proud to say that today, my daughter's 5th birthday, she is officially a card carrying member of the DCI and the Magic community as a whole.

Big thanks to everyone at Collected TCU for welcoming her today!

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