Wednesday, August 24, 2016

Q&A with the HJ

On August 6th I worked my first "mid-sized event." We had 203 players and 8 judges. So I've worked some GPs with huge staffs and tons of sides, and I've judged small GPTs and PPTQs, but this was my first 'medium' experience. I've pondered some of the issues a Head Judge faces at this type of event and have come up with the following reflections.

The day's start inspired hopes for great things. We started on time and the SK brought doughnuts and kolaches! He then demonstrated putting a kolache in the pocket of his judge shirt for easy access later making our whole team laugh. Such a great group of guys!

Finding a way to cover all the event's needs without the manpower to create true teams comprises one of the Head Judge's challenges. Our HJ opted to use the Taskmaster System. I had never encountered this system previously, and to be honest, I didn't like it. He assigned a judge to be in charge of each task, and that judge's responsibility included getting the task done by locating available judges to do it. While simply asking others to help made sense, in reality few were available and willing when the need arose. Since most of our team had little experience working together, we lacked both the personal chemistry and the understanding of one another’s roles to effectively employ this method. It felt awkward and unorganized to me.

An example: In my role as slips taskmaster, I needed to ensure the distribution of match slips at the start of each round. The SKs printed these a few minutes after each round began. At previous events, my SKs had used multi-print to produce slips with the pairings, so my expectation of earlier slips often led to me hanging around the paper cutter awaiting my slips. I likely could have waited until pairings posted, and then head to the judge station, however I did not want to appear late or unavailable when the time came to complete my task. Also, the HJ had asked another judge to take the slips off the printer and hand them to me. Neither of us really understood this request, and we joked about it each round as he handed them to me. As far as actually passing them out: Some rounds, three judges grabbed slips. Some rounds no one was ready, so I handled them solo. When I asked the HJ to pass out slips, he griped, and I wondered if I’d done something wrong.

My frustrations built throughout the day, but after some serious debriefing with the HJ, I have a much better understanding of this system. He carefully explained the reasoning behind each of his decisions as well as where he felt like he could improve his implementation of the process. After that conversation I am eager to try it again. Moral of the story: If you don't understand something, don't be afraid to ask. Sometimes veteran HJs don't realize that a new person will need a more detailed explanation.

Backup? Amir and Niko call me to the table during combat. The board state clearly shows declared attackers, however both players insist that an activated Gideon should have a +1/+1 counter on it from Nissa's second ability. My initial thought was, 'easy fix, here's your counter,' but I knew that such a partial fix is not supported by policy. The idea of a backup came to me next - just go back, add the counter, and then redeclare the attackers. I asked the players to wait, and sought the HJ's approval. When I explained what I wanted to do, he quickly authorized me to do it. I returned to the table and explained the fix to both players, who happily started to back things up on the board. I stopped them so that we could walk back through it step-by-step when they began telling me all the things that had happened at the beginning of combat including flipping a morphed Den Protector and sacrificing a creature to an Evolutionary Leap. I instantly realized that this backup signaled an imminent disaster. I returned to the HJ and relayed that due to additional information from the players I no longer wished to perform the backup. He again supported my decision. I informed the players that too much had happened to back up, so the board state would remain as it was. I did issue a GRV and a FtMGS for the missed counter and the game resumed. The moral of the story: No matter how much you may want to 'fix' the game state, sometimes that's not possible. And my judge lesson: Ask better questions before reaching a conclusion.

My first appeal. Nick called me to the table and stated that he was controlling Avery's turn due to Emrakul's ability. He wanted to cast a Spell Queller and use its triggered ability to target itself. I picked up the Spell Queller and read it just to be sure of how the ability's wording read, then I explained that he would not be able to do that. Since it is a triggered ability, it would not trigger until after the Spell Queller resolves and enters the battlefield, thus at that time Spell Queller would no longer be a spell on the stack and therefore not a legal target for the triggered ability. It seemed to me to be a relatively straightforward call, so my surprise must have been evident when Nick politely appealed. I marched with purpose to the HJ, who busily conversed with another judge. I remembered my training and opted to interrupt since appeals are time sensitive. When I approached he said, "You look like you have an appeal." I replied affirmatively and explained the situation as we walked to the table. The HJ introduced himself to the players and confirmed my ruling, which they readily accepted. The whole thing felt rather anticlimactic to me. An appeal of a straightforward ruling with no issues and happy players. Well, I guess that's how it's supposed to go.

Randomizing the last round. As we approached the end of the Swiss rounds, I overheard the TO ask the SK if she knew how to randomize the final round of Swiss. My ears perked up as this made no sense to me. Wouldn't randomizing the last round effectively destroy the standings? Afraid to ask, I watched and waited as the round began. Since my role cutting slips kept me at the scorer's table, I observed as a judge went through the pairings and marked relevant matches, and then assigned judges to watch those tables. I finally realized that the pairings were not adjusted, just the seatings. Clearly intended to reduce the impact of players watching one another to see who plays and who draws, it seemed to add confusion to the situation as well. I can't say I particularly liked the idea, but I can understand its purpose, and I'll keep an open mind when I see it again.

Questionable call. As Amos and Nathan entered game 3, Nathan realized that he only had 59 cards and called a judge. After noting that they had matching sleeves, I quickly located the card in Amos's deck. Realizing that this situation called for a D/DLP penalty, but qualified for a downgrade, I approached the HJ to ask for the downgrade. The HJ approved it, but instructed me to give both players Warnings. It felt off to me because Nathan had not yet presented his deck when I was called, but since the HJ told me to do so, I did. The players were not pleased. After handling the situation with the players, I returned to the HJ and asked him to further explain his ruling to me since I didn't understand. He stated that his option reduced the likelihood of Amos waiting until he knew Nathan was missing a card to call a judge, thus trying to gain an advantage from the situation. It still felt off to me, so after chatting some more and talking to other judges, the HJ said that he probably should have ruled it differently. Also I should have been clearer about the fact that Nathan had not yet presented his deck when he called a judge. Lesson: If you believe that an error is occurring, speak up. Second lesson: Ask the HJ if you don't understand his decision. The ensuing discussion is really enlightening.

Group debrief. At the end of the day I sat down with the HJ for a debrief. I really appreciate him taking the time to talk with me about the event, even while the Top 8 played. He offered me a few simple pieces of advice such as moving faster, saying that I did well and he really didn't have much for me. Then one of the most senior judges from the event joined us and gave me his evaluation. Next the TO who is also a judge came by and said, "Can I get in on this?" Inwardly I laughed at the panel-style debrief and felt a little bit overwhelmed but also so grateful that so many judges want to help me improve. After a few minutes, just the TO and I were left alone and we talked a long time, with a few interruptions. Being our first time working together, we had a lot more than just the event to discuss, and we skimmed the surface of quite a few topics. My mind filled with so much more that I longed to cover, but our time ran out and we both needed to get home. While I left once again frustrated, I felt like I had a lot to think about.

In the week that followed this event, the HJ and I chatted a lot over the internet. In fact, we combed through the minutia and he answered every single question I asked. I learned so much about tournament operations and how things are done at a mid-sized event. While it comprised a bit of a tough day for me, I loved every minute of being on the floor and working with my fellow judges. I'd like to send an extra special thanks to my Head Judge for staffing me, teaching me, debriefing me, and as always having confidence in me. I look forward to my next event with him!

Friday, August 5, 2016

Know You

A lot of new judges ask: What do I need to do to prepare for my first Grand Prix?  Veteran judges love to answer this question, and each has their own version or flavor.  It usually includes comfortable shoes, drinking water, and bringing pens.  Each conversation contains a lot of valuable information, but it can leave a new judge feeling confused or overwhelmed.  I know it did for me!  So here's my advice to a new judge preparing for his/her first large event.


This simple phrase trumps each specific detail that others may suggest. You are the expert on you. You know yourself better than everyone else, so you know how to apply the well-intentioned advice in a way that serves your personal needs.

Self Care - This is one of the first things new judges should understand. Quite simply: If you are too tired, sore, sick, or otherwise non-functional to do your job, you hurt the entire event. Yes, judges have passed out, vomited, and fallen asleep on the floor. Please don't be one of them. Get enough rest. Drink enough water. Eat healthy food including breakfast. Don't stay out too late partying with your roommates the night before. You've heard all those things. However, rather than saying 'you need to drink 8 glasses of water,' I'll say, "you need to understand your body's needs." Personally, I have a type of migraines caused by dehydration. To avoid them I need to drink 1-2 bottles of Gatorade per day to maintain my electrolyte balance. I also carry some trail mix in my bag for when I need a salty snack. Think about your personal preferences as far as eating, drinking, snacking, rest, and medications, then understand how those things affect your work as a judge. Make decisions that will have you feeling your best not just on Friday, but all weekend.

Dress Well - We'll start with the basics: your uniform. Please show up with clean, well fitting clothing in good repair. You make us all look bad when your BO precedes you to a table or your shirt looks like you slept in it (even if you did, iron it). If you need a judge shirt, be sure to let the TO know or borrow one from another judge. As far as shoes, wear comfortable ones that you can stand/walk all day it. Sitting down because your feet hurt provides bad customer service and makes you look lazy to your team lead. Best advice someone gave me: choose the kind of shoes that you normally wear every day, and buy them in black. Other tricks: wear comfortable undergarments that don't rub or chafe, yes I mean a 'judge bra' or 'judge underwear.' Also, since you won't be wearing your judge shirt unless you are on the floor working, you will want to wear an undershirt so that you can take it off. Some people put on a different shirt, commonly a regional polo over the undershirt. I've also seen just a jacket or vest worn over it, especially in colder climates. Whatever you choose is fine, remember this is about what makes you most comfortable.

Come Prepared - Bring at minimum some colored pens and a notepad. Better preparation includes sharpies, sticky notes, tape, scissors, and a highlighter. Again, this is personal preference here. I like to bring pens with multiple colors instead of multiple pens. I also like to bring a clipboard, but hate having a water bottle. Make sure that whatever you want to carry with you fits comfortably in your pockets.

Know Your Stuff - Make sure you have read/studied relevant information and the IPG. If it's sealed, read the release notes; it it's Legacy, be ready for Oracle text requests. If you you are Head Judging a 2HG side event, look over the 2HG stuff. You can almost always look up a ruling or ask another judge if you need to, so know the basics, but don't stress out over this one. Also, know when and how to get help. Ask your Team Lead or another judge if you need to. Being right is always better than being fast. Also, know when to say, "I'm pretty sure I know this, but I want to double check one detail." Then come back and say, "I was right, it's  . . . ." There is no shame in consulting another judge, you will learn stuff and they will like helping you. Generally, judges worry about this one a lot, and really it's not that big of a deal.

Be There - Show up early. Listen well. Do the things you are supposed to do. Nothing is more frustrating than a judge who is MIA. Don't make your Team Lead have to wait on you, look for you, or wonder why your work is not done. If you have a problem, need to go to the bathroom, or don't know how to do a task - ASK. Communication is key here. For example, if the Head Judge asks you to go get him coffee, don't wander off to do it without telling your Team Lead who will be expecting you to hang pairings in 3 minutes. The Head Judge will be ok with you hanging pairings and then getting the coffee. There are a lot of people doing a lot of things. To make the event smooth, all of those things have to be coordinated. Be a team player here and pay attention to what's going on around you; it will help you, your team, and the event.

Learn Something - While this may go without saying, your goal should always be to improve yourself and your craft. Meet some new people. Try a new skill. Maybe you have never done a Polish method deck check. Maybe you have never been on the pairings team. Perhaps you can work a shift at registration or help breakdown afterwards. It could be a trick to remember people's names or asking about someone's cool shoes. If you think you have nothing left to improve upon, you should probably consider being done judging. Most judges love to help, teach, and mentor, so don't be shy. Ask about what you want to know. Observe carefully. Think critically. Make sure that when you leave, you are a better judge than when you arrived.

Write It Down - No matter how sure you are that you won't forget, write it down. Take notes about cool interactions. Jot down that player's name and table number. Scrawl a note so you don't forget. You'll be surprised how much information will come at you and how fast. With so much going on, don't risk it - write it. It also helps you appear collected and competent to have good notes when talking to a HJ or Team Lead. Notes make writing reviews and tournament reports later much easier too. Writing doesn't end when the event does. Committing your thoughts to paper makes them shareable so others can learn from you too.

Have Fun - Trite, maybe, but true. If you're not having fun, you're doing it wrong. Enjoy the energy, the camaraderie, the challenges, and the triumphs. It'll fly by, so be prepared to apply to your next GP soon!

Thursday, August 4, 2016


I was going to write an exemplar, but my words ran away with me and this got way too long and too personal to just submit as an exemplar . . .

To my judge mentor:

The time and effort that you have invested in me as a judge surpasses anything I could have ever imagined. From our first tentative talks where you told me to bring my husband along, our relationship has come a long way.

After I failed my first L1, you never let me stop working and learning. You dragged me through the intricacies of combat, first strike, double strike, protection, and trample. You encouraged me to keep applying to events, keep studying, and keep asking questions. (You even answered all those questions!) And above all, you repeated the mantra, "You ARE a judge." enough times that I actually started to believe it.

I could not have survived the stressful days leading up to my second L1 test without you. When I was in tears, you encouraged me. When I wanted to quit, you said you hoped I didn't. When I almost decided not to show up, the thought of disappointing you made me keep going. Somehow I dragged myself to that judge conference and took that test. And then, Nate wouldn't tell me how I did. I saw you at lunch, where I was far too nervous to eat, and you acted like you didn't know anything. After lunch you led me to that tiny room, silently closed the door, and solemnly told me to sit down. I think I can honestly say that is the most nervous I have ever been in my life. When you said, "I want to be the first person to congratulate you on becoming a judge" I just about fainted. Anger. Fear. Relief. And somewhere the insane thought that you had lied to me before about being a judge before passing the test.

Since that day you have continued to answer my innumerable questions (1 at a time) and never seem to tire of reiterating the details I yearn to understand. You have shared your wisdom as a judge and as Area Captain, even letting me help plan a local judge meet-up. You don't mind explaining things to me, including the how, and the why. The depth of our conversations helps me add the details to my skills that give polish to my work.

As I approached L2, your attitude towards my advancement shifted. You became distant and never encouraged me to test. You said that I would know when I was ready. You suggested that I not rush things. I took your hesitation as a sign that I was unprepared. I put off testing because I awaited your approval.

When we finally first worked together at Star City, you nearly made me laugh when you called me an experienced member of our team. It took some time to sink in that you were right. Those words took on a new meaning throughout the day as I realized that things were coming together and I felt confident on the floor delivering rulings, passing out slips, helping players, and flipping rounds. While working with you I realized how similarly we approach things and can see your influence in my 'style' of judging. I'm proud that I take after my mentor.

After that, I felt more ready to move forward, but still lacked your explicit statement of my readiness. My test came as a surprise, even to me! After I passed, I only wanted to tell 1 person - YOU. I needed some time to let that achievement sink in, but I couldn't wait to share it with you because you share in the accomplishment just as you shared in the work to get me there.

Much bigger than all of my judging achievements though, is our friendship. More than just a mentor, you serve as a confidant, a sounding board, a safe place to vent, and a smile when I need cheering. We talked about everything (pretty much literally everything) from the deeply personal to the mundane to the comical and theoretical, and you are always there to listen and share your thoughts. As you said, "lol, I seriously doubt at this point that leaving the program would make either of stop talking to the other."